Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Goodby Retail

We've been working at Gallery 100 like mad for the last week -- closing accounts, artists picking up unsold artwork, shipping artwork to buyers, shipping unsold artwork back to artists -- it's a long tiring list. Yesterday, we moved the last piece of Gallery 100 out of our space at 462 Broadway. It was both a relief and sad at the same time. A relief because of the terrible state of our economy -- artwork is not exactly a necessity for some. (for me it is but that's beside the point) It was sad to close our retail space because I loved Gallery 100 and our artists who put up with me for 8 years of exhibitions, parties, openings, sales, projects, etc. I will miss the excitment of the gallery and miss our artists. Most of all I will miss working with Nancy -- our gallery manager.

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